Animation at An Talla

1.5° Film Challenge

Animation Weekend at An Talla

(25-27 February).  

As part of Film Access Scotlands 1.5° Film Challenge animation sessions, thanks to support from Screen Scotland and Keep Scotland Beautiful, we are delighted to welcome Jim Parkyn from Aardman Animations back to Tiree. Jim Parkyn and Jack Lockhart will be delivering animation sessions and film screenings over the weekend. The sessions are open to everyone in the community from age 5 years and up, and the Farmhouse Cafe will be serving delicious food over the weekend. Places are limited and completed films will be submitted into Film Access Scotland’s Climate 1.5 Challenge. The course runs over both days, the morning sessions are for families (are now fully booked) and the afternoons for Adults/Secondary students.

Friday 25th Feb 

6.30pm             Public Screening: Chicken Run (U) with intro from Jim Parkyn, Senior Model Maker from Aardman Animations

Sat 26th Feb

10.30 – 12.30pm Family session

1.30pm – 4pm  Adult/Secondary session

6.30pm             Public Screening: Jason and the Argonauts (U) this Harryhausen classic is introduced by Jim Parkyn from Aardman Animations

Sun 27th Feb

10.30 – 12.30pm Family session

1.30pm – 4pm Adult/Secondary session

4pm     Screening of everyone’s animations, details on how to submit work and next steps.

Friday 25th Feb 

Public Screening: Chicken Run with intro from Jim Parkyn from Aardman

Sessions are open to everyone in the community from age 5 years and up. The morning sessions will be aimed at families with self-led activities available for those who want to develop their ideas in their own time. 

Sessions will include some examples of work from Margaret Tait, Len Lye and Norman McLaren.

Sat 26th Feb

Group one

10.30 – 12.30pm 

Introduction to the Climate 1.5 Challenge

Character Animation, this includes developing your own animation and creating an animated talking head. This session will create a short animation.

The Farmhouse Café will be running in the hall throughout the day along with various animation stations including:

Cut Out animation station

Storyboard station

Sand and lightbox station

Drawing station

Group Two

Introduction to the Climate 1.5 Challenge

1.30pm – 4pm Character Animation, this includes developing your own animation and creating an animated talking head


The chance to watch what everyone has made that day


Public Screening: Jason and the Argonauts introduced by Jim Parkyn from Aardman

Sun 27th Feb

Group one

10.30 – 11.30am 

Pixilation, Time-lapse and field recording. Participants will spend time on the beach (weather dependent) or bring some of the beach inside, with a mix of group and individual work.

11.30 – 12.30pm

Introduction to Stop motion and Claymation.

The Farmhouse Café will be running in the hall throughout the day along with various animation stations including:

Cut Out animation station

Storyboard station

Sand and lightbox station

Drawing station

Group Two

1.30pm – 2.30pm 

Pixilation, Time-lapse and field recording. Participants will spend time on the beach (weather dependent) or bring some of the beach inside, with a mix of group and individual work.

2.30 – 4pm

Introduction to Stop motion and Claymation and then to continue with their chosen technique.


Screening of everyone’s animations, details on how to submit work and next steps.